Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why Social Media Works For Small Businesses

If you don’t think your company needs a presence on social media outlets you are far behind the curve. Research firm, BIA/Kelsey, surveys to find that social media is the number 1 in usage and spending.

Survey results that 74.5% of small and medium businesses use social media outlets to promote and advertise their business, which is 71.7% higher than social media usage last year.

Since five years ago when social media boom first really started to get notice, businesses have noticed positive results using this marketing tactic. Small businesses with a company holding less than 100 employees now spend an average of 21.4% of their total media budgets on social reports Ad Age.

Social media usage allows companies the opportunity to brand themselves further and gain more easy exposure. Reach to customers has increased in volume greatly. Knowing when to post is key. Social media also cuts back on the costs a company spends on advertising. It is a lot more affordable for companies to boost a post than pay to print materials and have them mailed out or put their money into visuals such as billboards and magazine or newspaper layouts. We won’t even talk about a commercial budget.

Let other people do the work for you. Sharing also makes social media a preferred method of advertising your brand, image and company. Sharing is like the virtual word-of-mouth and the word-of-mouth marketing tactic is traditional and affecting.

Choosing a channel for social media will assist in defining who you want your customers to be. Use Google Analytics to track where your business is achieving the most exposure. If you were selling mittens for kittens, Pinterest would probably be your best outlet as females browse Pinterest for this genre of item. As stated, when you post has an affect on your frequency of conversion rates and reach, as this customer type will be on Pinterest primarily on the weekends.

More well established companies will still see better ROI results than the small to medium sized companies, but the larger companies would dominate in traditional forms of advertising anyways. Social media gives businesses the chance to grow and make a name for themselves.

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