Friday, January 31, 2014

Why Social Media is Important for B2B Marketing

More and more, businesses are realizing the importance of social media to boost website traffic, connect with their customers, and generate leads. B2C companies like Starbucks have utilized their social media presence to send fans to their stores, collect ideas, and converse with their fans. However, B2B companies are usually a little more reluctant to get on board. But while such businesses usually have a more targeted audience, this shouldn’t stop any good B2B marketer from developing a social media strategy that will work wonders for them. Here are the top three reasons why every B2B marketing strategy should include social media.

Other businesses are already there.

86% of marketers said that social media was an important part of their businesses marketing strategy, according to the 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. So while you may not have as broad of an audience as Starbucks, this means that there is a good chance the businesses you want to target will already be active on the social media platforms that you choose. An especially popular platform for other businesses is Linkedin. In fact, the Content Marketing Institute says that 91% of B2B marketers use Linkedin.

It gives you an “in”.

Social media gives you a unique opportunity to do an unasked-for favor for a targeted business. Something as simple as a re-tweet will allow them to see your name, and have a positive association with you. Over time, it’s likely that they will start reciprocating. This provides a great beginning for a continued relationship. This method can also get you some great word-of-mouth marketing when you turn your followers into your brand champions.

You can’t afford not to.

If you aren’t using social media to connect with your target audience, then you competition certainly is. Not only is this one of the most affordable ways to grow brand recognition, it also produces high results. 75% of marketers in the 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report reported positive results in terms of traffic increase and 64%+ of marketers see lead generation benefits. It’s one of the most low risk, high reward marketing methods that there is.

If you need help getting started with social media, formulating a strategy, or managing your online presence, then don’t be afraid to ask a qualified agency, like Th!nk, for help. We can do as much or as little as you need.

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