Thursday, May 29, 2014

How Taco Bell Won Social Media

How Taco Bell Won Social Media
With the advent of social media as a marketing tool, there have been a lot of wins and losses from various companies. Never has a gaffe been able to become so public so quickly. Never before have companies been able to develop such clear personalities. Among those companies who are doing it right, a few stand out above the rest. One of those companies is Taco Bell. That’s right, Taco Bell!

Taco Bell’s Social Media Approach

Nick Tran, the head of social media, claims that they use a three-pronged approach.

“You can break down the type of content we share into three categories: The first is anything Taco Bell creates internally. The other type of content we share is whatever we co-create. This is when we collaborate with influencers and give them the tools to create their own content. The last is content curation, which is basically us amplifying interesting content from our social community,” Tran said.

Essentially, Taco Bell is behaving like a person and creating a personality. One of the most popular tweets of all time was a response that they sent to Old Spice via Twitter. Old spice accused them of not using fire in their fire sauce. They accused Old Spice of not using old spices in their deodorant.

Taco Bell/Old Spice Twitter War

Not only that, but they frequently engage their users and provide them with opportunities to promote their brand in a fun way. Their “breakfast phone” promotion had Taco Bell calling and interacting with customers and having them perform special tasks.

Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously

Even for more traditional companies, social media needs to be a fun endeavor. Using humor, even more elegant humor, is one of the best ways to grab interest and get people engaged. Humanizing your brand is the number one best way that you can improve your social media presence, no matter who you are.

Challenge yourself this week to try a new approach. Engage your user in conversation, make some jokes, and use your business page in a more personal way. You might be surprised at the results.

photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik via photopin cc

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