Thursday, January 15, 2015

3 Social Media Tactics Everyone Should Know

Not to give away all of our tips and tricks, but there are tactics to gain followers quickly. There is only so much we can do to gain a following online. From timing to quality content, everything you do is judged by your viewers, resulting in opinions about you or the company you represent.

Let’s start with the fact that timing is everything. Why do you think there are certain times that work best for posting? This is because there are people on one network over another at different points during the day. Take for instance, Pinterest is more popular on the weekends because people have the time to sit on a photo site all day; same goes with Tumblr’s popularity increase later in the evenings.

Quality always matters, always! Don’t post a photo of Kim Kardashian in a political section, as your viewers will categorize you into the ever-lurking SPAM folder. If your viewers think you are posting for the sake of posting instead of for the general amusement of sharing, you will be banned and your reputation will flounder.

Be consistent. Post during hot times every day or every other day. People will start to see your profile photo and remember your look and name. Eventually, it will become habitual to look for your posts if he or she deems your posting worthy of a reshare or knowledge intake.

Be relevant, be you, and have a voice. Have fun with social media! Inside tip: when your personality shows through your social outlets, people feel connected. Make your viewers want to follow you! Now get online and post, post, post!

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