Getting tied down by the burdens in our daily lives,
especially when we ignore the opportunities to file away stresses as they arise,
will eventually push you past your breaking point and over the edge. The little
things accumulate until we self-inflict ourselves to the point of panic attacks
or hitting up Happy Hour regularly after work hours. This is not how life
should be lead. Happiness is a choice, not to say an easy choice, but an
attainable choice for anyone if he or she actually wants to smile.
Try doing the following on a weekly basis, aim to be consistent
for a month to start your lifestyle change, and we can guarantee you will be
not only a happier person, but a happier person with a lot more energy!
Enjoy Your Weekends
Instead of spending your time cleaning, doing laundry, or
other chores, try to complete these chores during the week for personal freedom
on the weekends. Think of it this way, there are five weeknights to separate
tasks … dust one night, vacuum the next, with one load of laundry each night,
and voila! Freedom at last to do whatever you please for two entire days!
Be Active
An active life is a happy life … and that’s a fact! Dopamine
(the chemical substance that plays a large role in happiness) depletes as we
age and it becomes more pertinent that we exercise regularly. Exercise will
increase the volume of Dopamine in your body, making you less stressed, more
energized, boost your confidence and ease anxiety.
Often, people are discouraged by the thought of “working
out” because, well, it is indeed work. If the gym isn’t your thing, partake in
a less labor some activity like hiking, swimming, or play a sport. The point is
to move around and get your blood pumping.
Create Your Schedule
People who routinely make it a point to get to bed at a
decent time, wake up early, spend time with loved ones, and don’t work more
than you have to are proven to live happier lives. People who get enough sleep
are less affected by negative emotions, making them less sensitive while also
improving focus and productivity. People that surround themselves with good
company have more opportunities for laughter and people that close an excel
file until tomorrow have more time for themselves.
Overall, being happy boils down to a healthy lifestyle.
Eating well, getting enough sleep, staying active, focusing on what needs to be
done to be productive by eliminating interruptions and creative killers is
something we have been taught since elementary school or even prior. These are
not hard to accomplish if you try; eventually, second nature will take hold and
old habits will die easier than you think.